Thursday, July 1

Dear Parents:

Not that it's all THAT bad, but once you get the cell phone bill, you will understand this current offer to somehow pay it off for you.

(Actually, I already know how this is going to be done. One of our friends has an amazing house in HaMoshava HaGermanit, a nice area of the city. Where we will, of course, be throwing a party at which we will charge to get in, charge after a certain number of drinks, and rent out the upstairs rooms to...enterprising couples for 150 shekels on the half-hour. Then, we're going to use that to charter a bus to Eilat and sell seats to the massive number of kids going there at the end of July. At this point, I'm getting out; the others are apparently going to use that capital to set up a lucrative drug smuggling ring in the Sinai, but I've got a car to buy. So don't worry, the bill is as good as paid.)


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